Values & Guiding Principles
Values and Guiding Principles:
I’d like to share with you some of the values and guiding principles I try to use as my moral compass in how I approach life day to day.
These principles have served me well in the many challenges that have come my way, and I hope that they can resonate with you too. I strongly believe that applying these values to the way you live will build you a solid foundation for navigating through whatever life throws at you.
One of my main reasons for getting into life coaching was based around becoming conscious of the energy I was giving off, as well as gaining from others. I read a fantastic book last year by Jay Morton, an ex-SAS Soldier. He talked in great detail about ‘’drains and radiators’’. The simple concept that if you’re a negative person who moans and whinges, then you likely drain energy from those around you, whereas if you are outwardly positive and full of life, you’re likely radiating energy onto people close to you. It might sound basic, but it’s such a powerful analogy.
I became acutely aware of how I was coming across day to day, and how important it was for those around me (family, colleagues etc) that I wasn’t someone they viewed as negative. I then became focused on who in my circle was a source of positive energy, and who was a source of negative energy. When you start analysing this, you’ll probably be astounded by what you see. They say that you become a mixture of the 5 people you spend the most amount of time with. I’d really like to help you become a positive energy source. Knowing you’re having an impact on people’s lives for the better is surely one of the most rewarding feelings out there.
Honesty must come from within. Being honest with ourselves is the starting point for all change in our lives, and it lies at the centre of everything we do. Think about it, if you can’t be honest with yourself, then everything you build and accomplish is likely to be based on a false version of your life and possibly has no foundation for anything truly worthwhile. We should always aim to be brutally honest with ourselves, and not shy away from those difficult internal conversations that need to take place in order for us to make permanent positive changes.
Being honest is also crucially important, as it is a value that others look to for inspiration (even if they don’t openly admit it). Of course, honesty is not always popular, as the truth can sometimes sting, however I think there is no greater accolade as a human being than to be known as a man or woman of your word. Try not to be a sheep and follow the herd, do the right thing, even if everyone around you is doing something different. Remember, what we walk past we accept.
Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you’re feeling, physically or emotionally. You show self-discipline when you intentionally choose to pursue something better for yourself, despite factors that may be off putting, such as distractions, effort, or unfavourable odds. This quote has stuck with me since I first heard it, and for me personally it really does resonate: “How you do anything is how you do everything”. Whatever you choose to do in life, be it a job, a hobby, a relationship, or personal fitness, you should always aim to do it to the best of your ability, as it is consistency and hard work that will get you the results that you desire.
“You are nothing without your health”
When I talk about health, I mean both physical and mental. They are inextricably linked, as one goes hand in hand with the other. If you’re feeling under the weather, your mood will likely dip. Similarly, if you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you’ll start to feel it in parts of your body such as headaches or stomach cramps. If you’ve ever experienced symptoms such as these before, then you’ll be familiar with how unsettling this can be. Aim to prioritise your physical and mental health by taking small steps such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting quality sleep and prioritising headspace (meditation, deep breathing, yoga etc). You’ll be amazed how much difference these small changes can make.
It’s a well-known saying that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Think about this for a moment, when we experience acute stress (short lived and goes as quickly as it arrives) we can then suffer from chronic stress, which triggers physical and mental health problems if not resolved quickly. Unlike acute stress, chronic stress is far more challenging to deal with, and can feel inescapable. It can also be triggered by feelings of traumatic experiences in the past and then applying them in the present situation. If not resolved, chronic stress can lead to serious health conditions such as gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.
If the above guiding principles strike a chord with you as they do with me, then please get in touch, as I’m sure we can work together to achieve great things for you personally
Please get in touch as I would love to hear from you